Monday, January 4, 2010

Emily Post, too outdated?

You know, I was raised to say please and thank you. I was raised to respect my elders and to always be kind to strangers. I was also raised to NOT wear white shoes after Labor Day and before Easter. In trying to teach my children the "old" style of doing things, I was asked "but why, mama?" Hmmm, good questions, Taylor. Good question, indeed. Why? "Well, because I say so," just doesn't sound like a good enough reason. Thus, a search for the "why's" came into play.

My first stop was Unfortunately, before I tell you anything that I found on this website, I think I have to apply for a copy license so I won't really share content with you. If you want to know, go and look at the website. It's pretty cool. I really like how they have these fabulous blogs you can subscribe to and there is a little bit of information. However, the main thing I got from this website was that they really want you to buy their books. I don't know about the rest of you but I am from the information age – information being FREE. I don't want to go and buy a book for something that I can hunt down FOR FREE somewhere else on the internet.

Ahhh, the dilemma has risen. Sure, I could find the information elsewhere for free, but how reliable will that information be? So, what is the next step in the search for the "why's?" Well, I think I may just pay a visit to my local library and see if I can't check out one or two of the books from the Emily Post Institute. That sounds like a good place to start. I'll let you know how it comes out – and yes, I will share my opinion on whether or not I think Emily Post is too outdated for our children or not. Just as a preliminary opinion, sans research? Absolutely NOT! After all, we ARE trying to bring ladylikeness back into our lives right? Well where else should we start. . . . how about the first lady of manners? Sounds like a good jumping off point to me. See you soon!

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